Incorporating beach vibes into daily life

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Incorporating beach vibes into daily life in Sarasota is good for you!

Did you know ocean air improves respiratory functions?

(Ocean Air Benefits for Lungs and Immunity | Cardiff Vacations)

Sometimes schedules get hectic and we forget we live in paradise. It’s important to prioritize health by incorporating beach vibes to our day to day life.

Grounding yourself at the beach has many health benefits. The negative ion rich air seems to just take the static out of life and reduce stress.

We tend to take our home, the number one beach in Florida, for granted in season as we honk and yell at all these new comers with no direction for a few months out of the year- they pay thousands of dollars in season, where we spend as much as a 15-20 min drive for a vacation for 5 minutes people travel to south Florida from vast miles for.